Common microphone choices for drums

One of the most popular questions that beginning recording enthusiasts ask is “What microphone should I use to record _blank_?”, where blank is an instrument or voice or whatever it is they want to record.  In this series of articles, I’ll cover some of the more common or “standard” microphone choices that you’ll

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General Recording Tips – Part 1

A collection of random recording tips to make your songs sound better. You must remember that in recording, the sound quality is only going to be as good as the weakest link in your recording chain. To improve your sound quality, start at the source. If the source itself doesn’t

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Contemporary Vocal Sound Techniques

Often on newgroups or forums, people will ask how to achieve a certain vocal sound.  The following is my reply to one such post where someone was looking to achieve that contemporary up front, in your face sound, that is also wide (stereo) sounding and has some depth to it.

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Recording Acoustic Guitars

Random tips and thoughts on recording acoustic guitars taken from several of my postings to the newsgroups. Here are some random tips and thoughts on recording acoustic guitars taken from several of my postings to the newsgroups. — The most important part of getting a good sound is the source

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