Technical Consulting and Instruction via phone, internet, or in person

Having trouble figuring out all the new recording hardware or software that was supposed to make your life easier? Not getting anywhere with tech support from the manufacturers or finding any good advice online? Then maybe I can help you out!
I’m Stephen Sherrard, and I’ve been a full time, professional audio engineer and music producer since 1993, and have been doing it on a non-professional basis since before 1980. I love talking and writing about Music, Recording and Technology related issues, and, if you frequent some of the related newsgroups and message boards, you may have seem some of my postings as I try to help out others with their technical problems.
If you have relatively simple questions that a wide variety of people might be able to benefit from, you can always submit them to me in the Ask MusicTECH section on the site, and I’ll try to post an answer for you if I can. You can also contact me directly.
If you are having technical problems, or have recording questions, that are not easily solved via the message board or e-mail, then contact me and we can arrange an in-depth consulting session via phone, internet (Skype), or even in person if you are in the Issaquah or greater Seattle area. My rates for consulting or private instruction are $60 per hour.
I’m quite knowledgeable in most areas regarding recording, digital audio, MIDI, computers, and a wide variety of software packages. My degree is in Electrical & Computer Engineering, and I come from a very musical background and play several instruments myself. I worked for several years as a staff producer at one of the largest recording studio facilities in the Seattle area before my own side business became big enough for me to go fully independent. I can easily walk you through problems with almost any piece of equipment or software, even if I’ve never used it myself.
For more specific information on my background and the equipment and software that I’m very familiar with, CLICK HERE.
I also design and operate all of my own web sites, including several that sell digital downloads directly. If you have any web related questions, or want to know some alternative methods for selling your music over the internet, don’t hesitate to contact me with those questions!