- Acccess Virus
- Closeup of the Cranesong Trakker
- Control room after the remodel in 2006
- Cranesong Trakker and UA2192
- Cranesong Trakker, UA2192, and API 2500
- DAW in action
- Digital effects and converters
- DynAudio Monitors
- DynAudio Monitors
- Great collection of Microphone Preamps
- Meters on the UA2192 Master Audio Converters
- MIDI Controller
- MIDI Controller
- MIDI controller keyboard
- Mmmmm…. tubes!!
- O2R96 Digital Mixing Console
- O2R96 Digital Mixing Console
- O2R96 Mixing Consle
- O2R96 Mixing Console
- Roland MC-505 Groovebox
- The console with older computer monitors
- Trakkers, UA2192, API 2500, Drawmer 1968
- Woofer
- Yamaha O2R96 Mixing Console
- Yamaha O2R96 Mixing Console
- Yamaha O2R96 Mixing Console